Female Founders Behind Beauty - La Bonne Brosse x Harrods

stage with podiums and flowers and stools ready for an event at Harrods

Brand Immersion

Throughout March, Harrods threw the spotlight on to beauty brands founded by women.  So it offered the perfect opportunity to partner with them for an inspiring and educational event with La Bonne Brosse, founded by Pauline Laurent and Flore des Robert.

Hair Journey Know How

Our initial aim was to highlight the 21 Day Programme which customers are introduced to when they buy a La Bonne Brosse brush.  This exclusive programme was designed by Pauline and Flore, based on their own hair journeys and helps customers get the most out of their brush to get visible results.

To help bring it further to life, we asked celebrity hair stylist, Zoe Irwin, to join the panel so that she could bring in her wealth of experience and knowledge from celebrity clients to her regular clients.  Alex Friend, editor of Red Magazine and self-confessed hair addict, joined us to host the discussions – one for Influencers and one for Harrods customers.

Once the Q&A was over, guests really enjoyed speaking to the panel and getting their hands on their favourite Bonne Brosse!

The Importance of Brushing

Pauline and Flore shared their own hair experiences and why they created La Bonne Brosse, as well as tips on how to choose the best brush for you.  Along with Zoe, they discussed how to get the most out of your Bonne Brosse, as well as what not to do.  The audience was transfixed – everyone couldn’t wait to get their hands on a brush to start their twice daily routine of hair brushing.

Brush with confidence

Our thanks to all involved for making this event happen and bringing so many stories to life for influencers, customers and the UK team.  Social media was buzzing with hair stories after the event too.

If you’re interested to find out what is the ideal Bonne Brosse for you, click below to take the diagnostic test.




Why are events important for my brand?

Events are a great way to meet your customers face to face and bring your brand story to life with a deeper emotional connection than just using social media.  It is also a great opportunity to partner with retailers.

Are events expensive?

It depends on how big you want to make them – events can be large or small and depending on your objective, we can work within your budget to make them happen.

How can I do an event if I don’t like public speaking?

There are ways that we can work with industry experts to take that pressure off.  We understand that for many, English is not the first language.  Using the panel format is a good way to share the speaking part or managing the areas you feel comfortable in talking about.